How H.E.L.P. Can Assist You in Navigating the College 'Red Zone'

Your college experience is transformational. Literally. Much like butterflies, we enter as teenagers and emerge as adults, ostensibly ready to fly into the world. For us, it was a thrilling, yet daunting experience. But like caterpillars, incoming freshwomen are the most vulnerable to predators. This particular phase of the college journey is termed the 'Red Zone' – the initial weeks of the freshman year where the risk of sexual assault is statistically highest: 50% of all sexual assaults on campus occur between the start of the semester and Thanksgiving holiday. To reduce your chances of being a victim, it's essential to be proactive, informed, and vigilant. Here, we introduce the H.E.L.P. framework, designed to empower you during this critical time.

H - Have a Plan

Always go into a new situation with a plan in mind (a good strategy for life, actually). Whether it's attending a class, a social gathering, or exploring the campus, know your destination, the route you'll take, and the time you expect to return. Hint: Use apps or wearable tech that can keep your family and friends advised of your location. This will not only help you stay organized, but also ensures that you have a safety net should things go down a bad path.

E - Education: Know Your Campus Locations & Resources

Become familiar with the campus layout as soon as possible: Identify key locations like emergency call stations, security posts, well-lit paths, and safe locations like libraries or student centers that operate round-the-clock. Also, educate yourself about the resources available to you - such as campus security, counseling services, and women’s resource centers. Being aware and using your Safety Intuition can make all the difference.

L - Let’s Talk: Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Stay connected with your friends and family. Let them know where you're going, whom you're with, and when you'll be back. (Did we mention apps?) Keep in mind that this isn’t about seeking permission; it's about ensuring that someone always knows your whereabouts and can act as a lifeline if needed. Besides, checking in with loved ones regularly helps reduce feelings of homesickness and enables them to provide you with emotional support.

P - Party Smart

You are going to be partying! The fun part of college brings lots of parties and social events! Have fun, but always party smart. Set limits for yourself regarding alcohol consumption, always keep an eye on your drink, and attend parties with your bestie or your squad. Remember, there's strength in numbers. Make a pact to go and leave together. Because, as we talk about in our book, the predator’s strategy is to isolate you. So, plan an exit strategy with your friends ahead of time, in case things become uncomfortable.

Navigating the college 'Red Zone' requires awareness, preparation, and smart decision-making. The H.E.L.P. framework isn’t about scaring you but empowering you with tools and strategies to so that your college experience is safe and fun. By having a plan, being educated, keeping lines of communication open, and partying smart, you confidently take on the challenges and socializing of your freshman year.


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