The College Red Zone: Know Before You Go

Attention College Freshwomen!

Starting college is an exciting new chapter, filled with opportunities and new experiences. However, there's an essential piece of information all women should be aware of during the initial weeks of college: The Red Zone.

🔴 What is The Red Zone?

It's the period from the start of the freshman year until Thanksgiving break when the rates of sexual assault and campus-related incidents are statistically higher for college freshmen women.

📊The Stats:

  • Nearly 50% of all college sexual assaults occur during the red zone (RAINN).

  • Freshmen women are at a 2-3 times higher risk during this period compared to their entire college tenure.

🏃‍♀️Know Before You Go: Stay Safe

  • 💡Stay Empowered & Informed - Become familiar with the campus, find your way around to feel more confident.

  • 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️Stay Together - Travel in groups, especially at night.

  • Trust Your Safety Intuition - If something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts. Your Safety Intuition is your internal alarm system. Don't dismiss it!

  • 🖐Be Persuasion-Proof - Don't allow yourself to be talked into something that you don't want. Stand strong.

  • 👩‍✈️Know Your Resources - Familiarize yourself with campus safety services and local helplines.

  • 📱Use Location Apps - Let trusted friends know where you are and when you expect to be home. Check in with each other

  • 🍺Party Smart - College life gives you a lot more opportunities to party and who doesn't love a party? But there's a dark side: Predators look for these because they know that a lot of women are out there for the first time. Go with your crew and have each other's back. Watch your drink (and each others) at ALL times.

  • 🫂Open Dialogue - Talk with your friends about safety measures and share experiences. Let's look out for one another and build a safer, more supportive community for everyone.

    Remember, queen: Knowledge is power! Stay informed, stay inspired, and make the most out of your college experience!


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