The Concrete Jungle Survival Manual: Property Crime and Women

When I was working as a deputy sheriff, I saw and investigated my fair share of crime over the years. And one thing I can tell you, is that property crime, while often overlooked, can have a big impact on personal safety - especially for women living in big cities.

I spent over 28 years patrolling the streets of South Florida, and property crime was a constant concern; home and auto burglaries, auto thefts, delivery thefts - you name it, it happened.

And the impact on victims went far beyond just the financial loss. So many victims felt violated, anxious, and even afraid to go about their daily lives after experiencing these kinds of crimes.

 Risk of More Severe Crimes

Property crimes, such as burglaries and thefts, can inadvertently signal to predators that a home might be an easy target for a larger payday. When properties are repeatedly targeted, like burglarizing vehicles or thefts from carports or garages, it’s usually a green light to potential offenders that security measures are lax, or that valuable items are easily accessible.

This is a dangerous perception for victims, because it can increase the risk of more severe crimes, such as home invasions. Also, as property crime rates increase in an area, there can be a corresponding rise in criminal presence, elevating the likelihood of residents encountering intruders physically. When that occurs, the results can be devastating to the homeowners in many ways.

 Ripple Effects of Property Crimes

It's easy to think of property crimes as "victimless" - after all, no one gets physically hurt, right? Well, that’s not true all the time. But the truth is, these crimes can have a profound psychological impact, especially for women. Think about it - your home is supposed to be your safe space, your sanctuary. When someone breaks in and steals your belongings, that sense of security is shattered. You start to feel vulnerable and anxious in your home and your neighborhood.

And it's not just your home that can be targets. Car burglaries and package thefts from residential areas, are rampant in many areas, leaving women feeling unsafe getting in and out of their vehicles or even accepting deliveries. The stress of constantly having to be on the lookout, of wondering if your car will be broken into or your packages stolen, can be exhausting and take a real toll.

Residents Are Increasingly Concerned About Crime

The concern of property crime has been rising over the past several years. Burglaries, thefts, and vandalism are often highlighted in the media. This heightened awareness is valid, as several urban areas note spikes in property crime rates.

As an example, Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been noted for having the highest rate of property crime among U.S. cities, with significant issues in motor vehicle theft. Similarly, large cities like Seattle, Washington, and San Francisco, California, have also experienced high rates of property crimes such as burglary and larceny-theft​.

The latest statistics illustrate that the overall trend in property crime across the U.S. showed an increase in 2022, marking a shift from a decade-long decrease. This recent uptick includes various types of property crimes, with motor vehicle theft and larceny-theft being the most prevalent.

This community concern stresses the need for immediate action and emphasizes broader calls from all of us for a more effective and responsive criminal justice system.

 Staying Safe at Home

So what can we do about it? As women, we have to be proactive about protecting ourselves and our property. Here are some tips I always shared with the community:

 Home Security

Predators are lazy, and always look for easy targets. Don’t let yours be that target.

• Install a good home security system with an alarm, motion sensors and cameras. This can deter break-ins and also provide evidence if a crime does occur.

 • Make sure all of your doors and windows are locked, even when you're home.

 • Consider installing extra lighting around your home, especially in dark areas like the backyard or side entrances.

 • Get to know your neighbors and look out for each other. They’ll pay more attention if you aren’t anonymous. Return the favor!

 Vehicle Security

Vehicle security is especially important for women, because predators drive around shopping areas looking for unsuspecting women.

• Try to park in a well-lit, populated area (Park in your driveway: Use motion sensor lighting)

 • Avoid isolated or underground parking garages if possible 

• Never leave valuables in plain sight in your car. Keep hidden in the trunk. Especially don’t leave anything with your name/address in your car

• Consider having an alarm with a GPS tracker or an anti-theft device installed in your vehicle

 • Be aware of your surroundings when getting in and out of your car, especially at night. Be prepared by carrying a self-defense tool like Pepper Gel, a Personal Sonic Alarm. You can also use your car key fob alarm to scare off a predator, but we like self-defense tools better.

 Package Delivery

Here’s some ways that you can reduce theft of your packages and deliveries:

• See if you can have packages delivered to your workplace or a trusted neighbor, so the packages don’t signal you’re not home all day. 

• Install a secure package delivery box or locker at your home

 • Ask your delivery service to require a signature for all packages

 • Monitor your deliveries and report any missing items immediately

 Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe

Property crime is a reality. And it is serious. But it can be reduced. Stay vigilant, be proactive, and look out for each another. We can reduce our risk and increase our safety and security.

As I always advise people: Secure your property, trust your instincts, and look out for your neighbors by reporting suspicious activity to the authorities. By coming together, we can make our homes and communities safer.


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